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Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Sisterhood women have formed lifelong bonds. It is an organization of women dedicated to the enhancement of the lives of the congregation of Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem, as well as the local community. As a fundraising arm of the shul, they put on various events, dinners and programs that not only raise money, but also create a sense of community at the shul.


Sisterhood is for all women at AIEA. The best part of Sisterhood is the mix of women from all age groups. The Sisterhood board sponsors programs designed to appeal to everyone. Plus, the mix of diverse women enables long-term members to provide their invaluable knowledge and experience to newer members, so that Sisterhood thrives. Newer and younger members bring fresh ideas and their own experiences to the organization.


The AIEA Sisterhood brings the synagogue many annual favorites and


new events throughout the year. A few examples of Sisterhood events include:

  • Lunch with a doctor who spoke about the health benefits of plant-based diets

  • Hanukkah Hoopla family event

  • The Purim project 

  • The annual Sisterhood Shabbat, where members conduct the Friday night Kabblat Shabbat, followed by a Shabbat dinner

  • Torah Fund Luncheon, supporting the education of future rabbis, cantors, educators, and scholars

  • Sisterhood runs a Judaica gift shop and sells a cookbook of recipes from the AIEA congregation.  


If you are a member of AIEA, you can log in to the website and check out the Sisterhood section for upcoming events and news.



Emily Allen and Elaine Kirkpatrick



Fern Shinbaum

Membership VP


Chris Ginsburg and Amy Labovitz

Programming Vice Presidents



Elaine Kirkpatrick

Financial Secretary


Irene Kramer





If you would like to contact the AIEA Sisterhood, please send an email to



Adena Kramer and Irene Kramer

Sukkot Refreshments


Chris Ginsburg and Amy Labovitz

Shabbat Dinner


Kathy Hess and Yvette Hochberg

Shabbat Service


Dale Evans

Shalach Manot Bags


Chris Ginsburg, Amy Labovitz and Linda Smith



Linda Smith

Shiva Pantry


Emily Allen

Tribute Funds


Irene Kramer

D’Var Torah


Yvette Hochberg

Book Club

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